Marine salt is obtained by the evaporating seawater in large tanks along the coastal areas: the saltworks, to be precise. Hence, there are three essential elements for the salt making process: sea water, sun and wind. Just in front of Trapani coast (between Trapani, Paceco and Marsala) in an evocative landscape of water, windmills and white pyramids, becoming pink during sunset hours, there is an important productive reality, not only industrial. The whole area is located in the middle of two wonderful protected areas: the natural reserve of Trapani and Paceco, and the Stagnone saltworks (in the municipality of Marsala). Trapani marine salt, compared to other cooking salts, contains more potassium and magnesium, and a smaller amount of sodium chloride. What differentiates the Presidio salt from the industrial versions is the “cultivation” technique, and above all the process. Presidio salt is hand-picked from the saltworks. In industrial productions, instead, the collection is made through mechanical instruments and, during the processing phase, salt may be subjected to refining processes and additions of other mineral salts. Presidio salt is pure, damper and greyish.